$22.2 Billion Lawsuit announced by Joby Weeks

The Road Map to Remedy. Case Dismissed

Package contents for the docket Case # 9:19-mj-8526 and Case # 2:19-cr-877-ccc

Document 1

This is my short but sweet statement for those folks following the Bitclub case. I have never spoken for the record on what actually took place with evidence. As a witness, this affidavit I give a quick recap of the facts for the record. As you can see, I did nothing wrong, harmed no people and didn’t break any laws that I was subject to. You will agree that this case should have been dismissed long ago. I then start bringing the Evidence necessary to back my claims in the evidence attachment. In my Constructive Notice I show all the bonds being traded on this court case. I point out the discharge/indemnification bond that treasury has been trading. I list by name The Accused who are most of the people who have trespassed against myself, my property, my rights and the million plus other Bitclub members who were harmed because of their illegal government intervention.

Document 2

YOU’RE FIRED! Have you have ever been screwed by attorneys for millions of dollars like I have? If so then you are going to enjoy reading this! I need to put on the record the dismissal of my lawyers. Most BAR attorneys are compartmentalized. Most were never actually taught the law/constitution, (they only know statutes/codes legislative/administrative procedures etc…) just like the medical doctors don’t know how to cure any diseases. (All they know is how to give you the Big Pharma drugs that only go to treat the symptoms instead of fixing the root cause of why you are sick in the first place) You cant trust allopathic doctors and you can’t trust 99% of the BAR attorneys either when it comes to protecting your constitutional rights. You will understand a little bit more about why this case should be dismissed immediately and why I was forced to do this on my own.

Document 3


While I was kidnapped, I spent 10 hours a day, every day for a year, reading more than 30,000 pages of law. It would take you 10 hours a day for 10 years to read the entire federal statutes at large, titles 1-54. It’s 250,000 pages long!! I haven’t met a lawyer or judge who has ever done that! Now you understand why BAR attorneys don’t know the law right? They can’t know it. Its all a distraction from them learning the true common law of the land. You will learn more about the law, maxims reading this document than ALL lawyers learn in 4 years of law school. I bring up many 3rd rail issues. However, my attorneys refused to file it on the docket for me which is a misprision of a felony since I point out countless crimes that the legal actors are partaking in. Thats why I had to fire them and go at this on my own! In it I introduce new evidence, I continue to challenge jurisdiction, I recision my autograph and withdraw the illegally induced plea, I file complaints, invoice the government for damages, write a writ of quo warranto and obviously demand the judge to dismiss this case!

Document 4





If the judge, after reading the above documents, decides NOT to do the right thing and does NOT dismiss the case, then that triggers this suit where I get a judgement in EQUITY that I will bring (since I have standing) to the United States Court of Federal Claims on behalf of myself and the million + Bitclub members/victims of illegal government intervention under 28 USC § 1491 Tucker’s Act; 18 USC § 1961 (RICO); SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT; 18 USC § 1201 (KIDNAPPING);  HOBBS ACT, 42 USC § 1983, and many others. This is the biggest Bitcoin case ever! David vs Goliath! Remember when Jesus flipped the tables of the money changers in the temple? Well, I’m flipping the tables now too! This makes me the plaintiff and makes everyone else, who has been involved in the persecution of myself and the planned demolition of Bitclub, the defendants. Everyone involved must recuse themselves and lawyer up. This puts a stay/injunction on the proceedings until my claims/challenges are answered. I add a temporary restraining order to block their funding until we get the court back in order. The government will not and cannot answer my challenges. The fraud they are trying to pull off is clear for anyone who reads these documents. The remedy will be glorious and with Gods help, the Republic restored!  


This is what Joby’s life has been like for the past 2 decades battling corruption

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